Damian Lemos
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
Southend Easter Masters | 04/18/2019 | 2319 | United Kingdom |
1st La Palma GM 2019 | 03/29/2019 | 2387 | Spain |
Gibraltar Masters 2019 | 01/22/2019 | 2375 | United Kingdom |
Budapest Spring Open 2017 | 03/18/2017 | 2383 | Hungary |
Damian Lemos Repertoire with White pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
E62 | King's Indian, fianchetto variation | 12 games |
E69 | King's Indian, fianchetto, classical main line | 10 games |
A46 | Queen's pawn game | 8 games |
D36 | Queen's Gambit Declined, exchange, positional line, 6.Qc2 | 8 games |
Damian Lemos Repertoire with Black pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
C02 | French, advance variation | 15 games |
C01 | French, exchange variation | 13 games |
C04 | French, Tarrasch, Guimard main line | 10 games |
E63 | King's Indian, fianchetto, Panno variation | 8 games |