Luis E Garcia
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
URU-ch sf-B | 04/25/2003 | 2178 | Uruguay |
URU-chT 27th | 08/25/2000 | 432 | Uruguay |
URU-chT | ??/??/1997 | 393 | Uruguay |
Bogota Telecom | ??/??/1997 | 2331 | Colombia |
Luis E Garcia Opening Repertoire with White pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
D76 | Neo-Gruenfeld, Nxd5, 7.O-O Nb6 | 5 games |
E63 | King's Indian, fianchetto, Panno variation | 4 games |
A04 | Reti opening | 3 games |
A39 | English, symmetrical, main line with d4 | 3 games |
Luis E Garcia Opening Repertoire with Black pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
B35 | Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, modern variation with Bc4 | 7 games |
B77 | Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, 9.Bc4 | 7 games |
B36 | Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind | 6 games |
B31 | Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) | 4 games |