Obrad Sirotanovic
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
Senta op-A 11th | 07/21/2007 | 2201 | |
Novi Becej op 25th | 06/09/2007 | 1748 | |
Senta op 10th | 07/21/2006 | 2141 | |
Senta op | 07/19/2002 | 2217 |
Obrad Sirotanovic Repertoire with White pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
A25 | English, Sicilian reversed | 3 games |
A24 | English, Bremen system with ...g6 | 2 games |
A26 | English, closed system | 2 games |
D63 | Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox defence, 7.Rc1 | 1 games |
Obrad Sirotanovic Repertoire with Black pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
C10 | French, Paulsen variation | 2 games |
C00 | French defence | 2 games |
C03 | French, Tarrasch | 1 games |
E63 | King's Indian, fianchetto, Panno variation | 1 games |