Luis Pedro Betancourt
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
Pan American-ch U16 | 05/24/2002 | 892 | Argentina |
Feria del Orinoco op | 10/??/2001 | 175 | Venezuela |
Pan American-ch U14 | 05/29/2001 | 159 | Argentina |
Pan American-ch U16 | ??/??/2000 | 608 | Brazil |
Luis Pedro Betancourt Repertoire with White pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
B79 | Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, 12.h4 | 2 games |
B33 | Sicilian defence | 2 games |
C50 | King's pawn game | 2 games |
B92 | Sicilian, Najdorf, Opovcensky variation | 2 games |
Luis Pedro Betancourt Repertoire with Black pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
D52 | Queen's Gambit Declined | 2 games |
C45 | Scotch game | 2 games |
C56 | Two knights defence | 1 games |
C77 | Ruy Lopez, Morphy defence | 1 games |