Luis Antonio Valledor Martinez
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
Asturias-ch Primera | 01/22/2005 | 700 | Spain |
Asturias-ch | 02/21/2004 | 641 | Spain |
Asturias-chT | ??/??/2003 | 647 | Spain |
Asturias-ch | 02/22/2003 | 503 | Spain |
Luis Antonio Valledor Martinez Opening Repertoire with White pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
D00 | Queen's pawn game | 9 games |
C45 | Scotch game | 7 games |
A03 | Bird's opening | 3 games |
B32 | Sicilian defence | 3 games |
Luis Antonio Valledor Martinez Opening Repertoire with Black pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
C52 | Evans gambit | 4 games |
C44 | King's pawn game | 4 games |
C50 | King's pawn game | 4 games |
C80 | Ruy Lopez, open (Tarrasch) defence | 3 games |