Andrey Reznichenko
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
RUS-Cup01 | 07/04/2003 | 2010 | Russian Federation |
Kiev Spring op | 03/??/1999 | 232 | Ukraine |
URS-ch otbor | ??/??/1989 | 345 |
Andrey Reznichenko Opening Repertoire with White pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
B07 | Pirc defence | 2 games |
E60 | King's Indian defence | 1 games |
A03 | Bird's opening | 1 games |
B14 | Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik attack, 5...e6 | 1 games |
Andrey Reznichenko Opening Repertoire with Black pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
B31 | Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) | 2 games |
D89 | Gruenfeld, Spassky variation, main line, 13.Bd3 | 1 games |
D02 | Queen's pawn game | 1 games |
A40 | Queen's pawn | 1 games |