
A94: Dutch, stonewall with Ba3

1. d4 f5 2. c4 Nf6 3. g3 e6 4. Bg2 Be7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. O-O d5 7. b3 c6 8. Ba3

Dutch, stonewall with Ba3

A94 Sub-variants:


Games on Database: 424
Last Played: Dec 2019
Overall score:
47.6% 34.4% 17.9%

Played frequently by:

Milan Vukic 4 games
Wolfgang Uhlmann 3 games
Paul Van der Sterren 3 games
Anton Kuzin 7 games
Daniel Rivera 6 games
Sergio Mariotti 6 games

Possible continuations:

8... Bxa3  147
51 % 34.7 % 14.3 %
8... Nbd7  110
41.8 % 34.5 % 23.6 %
8... Bd7  76
40.8 % 36.8 % 22.4 %
8... Ne4  63
55.6 % 31.7 %
8... b6  13
46.2 % 38.5 % 15.4 %
8... a5  6
50 % 33.3 % 16.7 %
8... Na6  4
75 % 25 %
8... Kh8  4
75 % 25 %