Eberth, Z |
Karacsony, Z |
1-0  |
6.2 |
Jan 27, 1980 |
B11 Caro-Kann, two knights, 3...Bg4 |
Magyar, A |
Amrein, R |
1-0  |
1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B05 Alekhine's defence, modern variation, 4...Bg4 |
Remete, E |
Hadrik, C |
½-½  |
1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B09 Pirc, Austrian attack |
Sardy, P |
Joo, G |
1-0  |
1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B87 Sicilian, Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5 |
Andor, L |
Magony, T |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D58 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) system |
Bereczki, J |
Dibusz, F |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D43 Queen's Gambit Declined semi-Slav |
Berza, S |
Sirokmany, G |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C02 French, advance variation |
Botos, F |
Heinrich, F |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
E21 Nimzo-Indian, three knights variation |
Cseke, R |
Istvanovszki, K |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B38 Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind, 6.Be3 |
Csikos, M |
Tompa, J |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B22 Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) |
Elter, J |
Szollosi, L |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C12 French, MacCutcheon variation |
Farkas, G |
Babics, A |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C50 King's pawn game |
Fekete, A |
Zalai, M |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A26 English, closed system |
Fodre, S |
Bandy, A |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Hajnal, Z |
Csukas, T |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C14 French, classical variation |
Kadar, G |
Ivan, A |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C68 Ruy Lopez, exchange variation |
Karsa, L |
Mathe, G |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A29 English, four knights, kingside fianchetto |
Katona, F |
Taskovits, I |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B25 Sicilian, closed |
Kelemen, I |
Papp Z, C |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A55 Old Indian, main line |
Kertesz, I |
Fazekas, M |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A29 English, four knights, kingside fianchetto |
Laczo, G |
Kovac, B |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B22 Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) |
Lako, L |
Kiss, L |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A42 Modern defence, Averbakh system |
Mohacsi, I |
Karacsony, Z |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz variation |
Moor, S |
Gruskovnjak, T |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A07 Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system) |
Paszler, J |
Vrban, M |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opovcensky variation |
Racz, Z |
Dovzik, J |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B12 Caro-Kann defence |
Rozsa, S |
Sinka, I |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C00 French defence |
Somlo, B |
Varasdy, I |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
E14 Queen's Indian, 4.e3 |
Sulyok, S |
Szeles, K |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D40 Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch defence |
Szabo, L |
Rako, I |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C43 Petrov, modern (Steinitz) attack |
Szekely, C |
Burghardt, J |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A26 English, closed system |
Tatar Kis, S |
Borsi, I |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B14 Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik attack, 5...e6 |
Toth, P |
Forgacs, A |
1-0  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A45 Queen's pawn game |
Veroci, Z |
Dencsi, T |
0-1  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B86 Sicilian, Sozin attack |
Zambo, Z |
Varadi, V |
½-½  |
1.1 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A86 Dutch with c4 & g3 |
Birinyi, I |
Szabo, K |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B48 Sicilian, Taimanov variation |
Bokros, I |
Barabas, A |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C42 Petrov's defence |
Butunoi, A |
Kocsis, G |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B33 Sicilian defence |
Eberth, Z |
Szava, M |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C22 Centre game |
Gazda, I |
Kocsis, L |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B38 Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind, 6.Be3 |
Halasz, A |
Banusz, T |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D38 Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin variation |
Hegedus, I |
Bali, J |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B25 Sicilian, closed |
Horvath, C |
Meixner, F |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B40 Sicilian defence |
Horvath, J |
Farkas, T |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A14 English, Neo-Catalan declined |
Kakuk, S |
Juhasz, L |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz variation |
Kalmar, K |
Illes, I |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C44 King's pawn game |
Kiss, J |
Honfi, G |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B56 Sicilian |
Lazar, A |
Szakaly, L |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C47 Four knights, Scotch variation |
Mede, I |
Horvath, Z |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C61 Ruy Lopez, Bird's defence |
Molnar, B |
Karolyfalvi, Z |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B12 Caro-Kann defence |
Molnar, J |
Horvath, G |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B32 Sicilian defence |
Molnar, L |
Sull, G |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A50 Queen's pawn game |
Monda, L |
Rozsnyai, T |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D02 Queen's pawn game |
Nemeth, A |
Vamos, V |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A39 English, symmetrical, main line with d4 |
Ortel, E |
Kovacs, A |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D42 Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch, 7.Bd3 |
Pallos, L |
Adok, J |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D02 Queen's pawn game |
Papp, A |
Bodor, T |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D67 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox defence, Bd3 line, Capablanca freeing manoevre |
Percze, J |
Rusz, G |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C06 French, Tarrasch, closed variation, main line |
Reiss, T |
Kovacs, G |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D60 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox defence |
Ronga, A |
Horvath, M |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C45 Scotch game |
Ruppaner, J |
Kiss, G |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C10 French, Paulsen variation |
Schrancz, I |
Szikra, R |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D37 Queen's Gambit Declined, 4.Nf3 |
Schull, G |
Kocsis, J |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B14 Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik attack, 5...e6 |
Sebestyen, B |
Horvath, A |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D01 Richter-Veresov attack |
Soponyai, T |
Paksa, R |
0-1  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D03 Torre attack (Tartakower variation) |
Suranyi, P |
Lodi, L |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D93 Gruenfeld with Bf4 e3 |
Szamos, S |
Herczeg, O |
½-½  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D75 Neo-Gruenfeld, 6.cd Nxd5, 7.O-O c5, 8.Nc3 |
Toth Gergye, G |
Jonas, Z |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B24 Sicilian, closed |
Vereb, G |
Schlusnik, N |
1-0  |
1.2 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B76 Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, 7...O-O |
Andi, P |
Szarvas, Z |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D76 Neo-Gruenfeld, 6.cd Nxd5, 7.O-O Nb6 |
Balazs, T |
Czegledi, Z |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C50 King's pawn game |
Balogh, J |
Takacs, K |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B46 Sicilian, Taimanov variation |
Barcsi, J |
Keresztes, R |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B98 Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 |
Brhlik, G |
Czibulka, Z |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C15 French, Winawer (Nimzovich) variation |
Deak, F |
Maraczi, E |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A90 Dutch defence |
Dekany, L |
Juhasz, A |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A30 English, symmetrical variation |
Hajnal, G |
Benyei, A |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D32 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch defence |
Hallossy, T |
Seregely, J |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A34 English, symmetrical variation |
Haragos, K |
Horvath, Z |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A46 Queen's pawn game |
Horvath, L |
Hajdu, I |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B33 Sicilian defence |
Janoshalmi, A |
Szuhai, B |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B21 Sicilian, Grand Prix attack |
Kanyadi, Z |
Paal, A |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B04 Alekhine's defence, modern variation |
Kiss, V |
Horvath, J |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) |
Kohalmi, E |
Csorbai, A |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A80 Dutch |
Konya, L |
Ats, L |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D06 Queen's Gambit |
Korpas, Z |
Lengyel, F |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A00 Polish (Sokolsky) opening |
Kovacs, A |
Javor, S |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A21 English opening |
Kozma, E |
Nagy, K |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B07 Pirc defence |
Manyai, Z |
Ragats, J |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
C13 French, classical |
Marton, J |
Szobi, T |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D63 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox defence, 7.Rc1 |
Nagy, H |
Kovacs, M |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D01 Richter-Veresov attack |
Orso, J |
Biro, G |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D85 Gruenfeld, exchange variation |
Pacsay, L |
Adam, O |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A59 Benko gambit, 7.e4 |
Papp, Z |
Gaber, J |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
D43 Queen's Gambit Declined semi-Slav |
Piroska, I |
Horeczky, T |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B79 Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, 12.h4 |
Radvanyi, T |
Varga, L |
0-1  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A02 Bird's opening |
Remenyi, L |
Hegedus, G |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B30 Sicilian defence |
Toth, G |
Laszlo, I |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) |
Vanczak, A |
Mate, G |
1-0  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
A49 King's Indian, fianchetto without c4 |
Varga, Z |
Szaz, F |
½-½  |
1.3 |
Sep 30, 2001 |
B32 Sicilian defence |