Llobel Cortell, E |
Andreu Sin, R |
1-0 |
1.1 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
C78 Ruy Lopez, 5.O-O |
Fernandez Garcia, J |
Vega Gutierrez, S |
0-1 |
1.10 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
A84 Dutch defence |
Paredes Cordo, J |
Gonzalez Costas, E |
½-½ |
1.11 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B25 Sicilian, closed |
Sole Forteza, J |
Rodriguez Valencoso, J |
0-1 |
1.12 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
C01 French, exchange variation |
Asis Garagatagli, H |
Dominguez Fernandez, S |
1-0 |
1.13 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B57 Sicilian, Sozin, not Scheveningen |
Asis Gargatagli, H |
Dominguez Fernandez, S |
1-0 |
1.13 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B57 Sicilian, Sozin, not Scheveningen |
Cordero Pedrosa, E |
Vallejo Diaz, J |
0-1 |
1.14 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B08 Pirc, classical (two knights) system |
Gutierrez Castillo, P |
Burguete Archel, E |
0-1 |
1.15 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
C90 Ruy Lopez, closed (with ...d6) |
Linares Quero, A |
Ibarra Jerez, J |
0-1 |
1.2 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
A53 Old Indian defence |
Moreno Tejera, E |
Rodriguez Costa, M |
1-0 |
1.3 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) |
Criado Lopez, A |
Moreno Trujillo, A |
0-1 |
1.4 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B84 Sicilian, Scheveningen (Paulsen), classical variation |
Lopez del Alamo, A |
Alcaraz Soriano, A |
1-0 |
1.5 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opovcensky variation |
Blanco Gutierrez, P |
Alcazar Jimenez, V |
0-1 |
1.6 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
A43 Old Benoni defence |
Martin Rueda, D |
Gomez Gomez, F |
1-0 |
1.7 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
C05 French, Tarrasch, closed variation |
Moreno Gracia, D |
Cuenca Jimenez, J |
0-1 |
1.8 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Espineira Gonzalez, D |
Vargas Diaz, A |
1-0 |
1.9 |
Jul 28, 2003 |
B17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz variation |
Alvarez Fernandez, E |
Llobel Cortell, E |
½-½ |
2.1 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
A41 Queen's Pawn |
Vega Gutierrez, S |
Trepat Herranz, J |
½-½ |
2.10 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B50 Sicilian |
Rodriguez Valencoso, J |
Pina Sierra, J |
1-0 |
2.11 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
A04 Reti opening |
Alonso Alvarez, A |
Asis Garagatagli, H |
0-1 |
2.12 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B26 Sicilian, closed, 6.Be3 |
Alonso Alvarez, A |
Asis Gargatagli, H |
0-1 |
2.12 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B26 Sicilian, closed, 6.Be3 |
Vallejo Diaz, J |
Farran Martos, F |
1-0 |
2.13 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C34 King's gambit accepted |
Amigo Vilalta, J |
Escuer Sanchez, N |
1-0 |
2.14 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
D36 Queen's Gambit Declined, exchange, positional line, 6.Qc2 |
Burguete Archel, E |
Garcia Ruiz, F |
½-½ |
2.15 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C17 French, Winawer, advance variation |
Ibarra Jerez, J |
Eyo Castro Rial, A |
1-0 |
2.2 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C11 French defence |
Pita Romero Rodriguez, R |
Moreno Tejera, E |
½-½ |
2.3 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) |
Moreno Trujillo, A |
Garcia Rodriguez, V |
1-0 |
2.4 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
A57 Benko gambit |
Gimeno Martos, R |
Lopez del Alamo, A |
0-1 |
2.5 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B30 Sicilian defence |
Alcazar Jimenez, V |
Valles Mata, D |
½-½ |
2.6 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C02 French, advance variation |
Vilanova Corbi, J |
Martin Rueda, D |
0-1 |
2.7 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
D45 Queen's Gambit Declined semi-Slav, 5.e3 |
Cuenca Jimenez, J |
Vega Gutierrez, B |
1-0 |
2.8 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
A14 English, Neo-Catalan declined |
Castro Acosta, A |
Espineira Gonzalez, D |
0-1 |
2.9 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
E18 Queen's Indian, old main line, 7.Nc3 |
Rodriguez Valencoso, J |
Ibarra Jerez, J |
0-1 |
3.1 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
A08 Reti, King's Indian attack |
Valles Mata, D |
Vega Gutierrez, S |
½-½ |
3.10 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B41 Sicilian, Kan variation |
Paredes Cordo, J |
Burguete Archel, E |
½-½ |
3.11 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C28 Vienna game |
Garcia Ruiz, F |
Sanchez Sanchez, M |
½-½ |
3.12 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
D36 Queen's Gambit Declined, exchange, positional line, 6.Qc2 |
Gutierrez Castillo, P |
Linares Quero, A |
1-0 |
3.13 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B33 Sicilian defence |
Eyo Castro Rial, A |
Rodriguez Costa, M |
1-0 |
3.14 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B25 Sicilian, closed |
Garcia Rodriguez, V |
Criado Lopez, A |
0-1 |
3.15 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C44 King's pawn game |
Asis Garagatagli, H |
Moreno Trujillo, A |
0-1 |
3.2 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C10 French, Paulsen variation |
Asis Gargatagli, H |
Moreno Trujillo, A |
0-1 |
3.2 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C10 French, Paulsen variation |
Lopez del Alamo, A |
Vallejo Diaz, J |
1-0 |
3.3 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
A45 Queen's pawn game |
Martin Rueda, D |
Amigo Vilalta, J |
½-½ |
3.4 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) |
Munoz Perez, S |
Cuenca Jimenez, J |
0-1 |
3.5 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B26 Sicilian, closed, 6.Be3 |
Espineira Gonzalez, D |
Desanjose Candalija, E |
½-½ |
3.6 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C07 French, Tarrasch, open variation |
Llobel Cortell, E |
Pita Romero Rodriguez, R |
1-0 |
3.7 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
C68 Ruy Lopez, exchange variation |
Moreno Tejera, E |
Alvarez Fernandez, E |
1-0 |
3.8 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B90 Sicilian, Najdorf |
Trepat Herranz, J |
Alcazar Jimenez, V |
0-1 |
3.9 |
Jul 29, 2003 |
B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) |
Amigo Vilalta, J |
Llobel Cortell, E |
0-1 |
3.3 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
A53 Old Indian defence |
Ibarra Jerez, J |
Lopez del Alamo, A |
½-½ |
4.1 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
B80 Sicilian, Scheveningen variation |
Vallejo Diaz, J |
Escuer Sanchez, N |
1-0 |
4.10 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C05 French, Tarrasch, closed variation |
Criado Lopez, A |
Gutierrez Castillo, P |
1-0 |
4.11 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C47 Four knights, Scotch variation |
Gomez Gomez, F |
Garcia Ruiz, F |
1-0 |
4.12 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C01 French, exchange variation |
Burguete Archel, E |
Eyo Castro Rial, A |
½-½ |
4.13 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C10 French, Paulsen variation |
Ruiz Gonzalez, R |
Valles Mata, D |
½-½ |
4.14 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C05 French, Tarrasch, closed variation |
Gimeno Martos, R |
Mujika Lizaso, J |
0-1 |
4.15 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C42 Petrov's defence |
Moreno Trujillo, A |
Cuenca Jimenez, J |
½-½ |
4.2 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
A87 Dutch, Leningrad, main variation |
Desanjose Candalija, E |
Moreno Tejera, E |
½-½ |
4.4 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
A33 English, symmetrical variation |
Alcazar Jimenez, V |
Martin Rueda, D |
1-0 |
4.5 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
B81 Sicilian, Scheveningen, Keres attack |
Vega Gutierrez, S |
Espineira Gonzalez, D |
½-½ |
4.6 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C00 French defence |
Farran Martos, F |
Paredes Cordo, J |
1-0 |
4.7 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
B46 Sicilian, Taimanov variation |
Alonso Alvarez, A |
Rodriguez Valencoso, J |
0-1 |
4.8 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
C03 French, Tarrasch |
Andreu Sin, R |
Asis Garagatagli, H |
½-½ |
4.9 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
A70 Benoni, classical with e4 and Nf3 |
Andreu Sin, R |
Asis Gargatagli, H |
½-½ |
4.9 |
Jul 30, 2003 |
A70 Benoni, classical with e4 and Nf3 |
Llobel Cortell, E |
Alcazar Jimenez, V |
0-1 |
5.1 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
A45 Queen's pawn game |
Vilanova Corbi, J |
Vega Gutierrez, S |
0-1 |
5.10 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
D35 Queen's Gambit Declined, 3...Nf6 |
Pina Sierra, J |
Amigo Vilalta, J |
½-½ |
5.11 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B35 Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, modern variation with Bc4 |
Eyo Castro Rial, A |
Ruiz Gonzalez, R |
1-0 |
5.12 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Burguete Archel, E |
Alvarez Fernandez, E |
0-1 |
5.13 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B90 Sicilian, Najdorf |
Munoz Perez, S |
Pita Romero Rodriguez, R |
0-1 |
5.14 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
C47 Four knights, Scotch variation |
Valles Mata, D |
Sanchez Sanchez, M |
1-0 |
5.15 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B18 Caro-Kann, classical variation |
Cuenca Jimenez, J |
Ibarra Jerez, J |
½-½ |
5.2 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
A54 Old Indian, Ukrainian variation |
Lopez del Alamo, A |
Moreno Trujillo, A |
0-1 |
5.3 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B85 Sicilian, Scheveningen, classical variation with ...Qc7 and ...Nc6 |
Moreno Tejera, E |
Farran Martos, F |
½-½ |
5.4 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
C22 Centre game |
Espineira Gonzalez, D |
Criado Lopez, A |
1-0 |
5.5 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
C24 Bishop's opening, Berlin defence |
Rodriguez Valencoso, J |
Desanjose Candalija, E |
0-1 |
5.6 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
C00 French defence |
Mujika Lizaso, J |
Vallejo Diaz, J |
0-1 |
5.7 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B41 Sicilian, Kan variation |
Asis Garagatagli, H |
Gomez Gomez, F |
½-½ |
5.8 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B22 Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) |
Asis Gargatagli, H |
Gomez Gomez, F |
½-½ |
5.8 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
B22 Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) |
Martin Rueda, D |
Andreu Sin, R |
1-0 |
5.9 |
Jul 31, 2003 |
C90 Ruy Lopez, closed (with ...d6) |