Sergiusz Czerniakow
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
POL-ch | 07/??/1946 | 0 | Poland |
Sergiusz Czerniakow Opening Repertoire with White pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
E90 | King's Indian, 5.Nf3 | 1 games |
A82 | Dutch, Staunton gambit | 1 games |
A55 | Old Indian, main line | 1 games |
C15 | French, Winawer (Nimzovich) variation | 1 games |
Sergiusz Czerniakow Opening Repertoire with Black pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
C90 | Ruy Lopez, closed (with ...d6) | 1 games |
D11 | Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 3.Nf3 | 1 games |
E70 | King's Indian, 4.e4 | 1 games |
D63 | Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox defence, 7.Rc1 | 1 games |