Rashid Nezhmetdinov
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
URS-chT | ??/??/1988 | 879 | |
Daugavpils | ??/??/1973 | 0 | |
Kislovodsk | ??/??/1972 | 0 | |
Vasilevsky mem | ??/??/1970 | 0 |
Rashid Nezhmetdinov Opening Repertoire with White pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
C85 | Ruy Lopez, Exchange variation doubly deferred (DERLD) | 7 games |
B11 | Caro-Kann, two knights, 3...Bg4 | 6 games |
B31 | Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) | 6 games |
C92 | Ruy Lopez, closed, 9.h3 | 5 games |
Rashid Nezhmetdinov Opening Repertoire with Black pieces
ECO | Opening | Games |
C76 | Ruy Lopez, modern Steinitz defence, fianchetto (Bronstein) variation | 9 games |
C99 | Ruy Lopez, closed, Chigorin, 12...c5d4 | 6 games |
A54 | Old Indian, Ukrainian variation | 5 games |
C84 | Ruy Lopez, closed defence | 5 games |