Francesco Blasco Cusido
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
Tarragona op 8th | 08/18/2007 | 2201 | Spain |
Tarragona op 7th | 08/19/2006 | 2281 | Spain |
Tarragona op 6th | 08/20/2005 | 2243 | Spain |
Barcelona Catalunya op | 06/02/2005 | 887 | Spain |
Francesco Blasco Cusido Repertoire with White pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
A05 | Reti opening | 2 games |
B30 | Sicilian defence | 2 games |
B01 | Scandinavian (centre counter) defence | 1 games |
C50 | King's pawn game | 1 games |
Francesco Blasco Cusido Repertoire with Black pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
A52 | Budapest defence | 1 games |
B07 | Pirc defence | 1 games |
D34 | Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch, Prague variation, 7...Be7 | 1 games |
E94 | King's Indian, orthodox variation | 1 games |