Andrew J Muir
Last tournaments played
Tournament | Date | Elo Avg. | Country |
24th European Teams | 11/11/2023 | 2524 | Montenegro |
II Kingston Inv 2023 | 07/24/2023 | 2259 | United Kingdom |
39th Cappelle Open 2023 | 02/18/2023 | 2321 | France |
23rd European Teams | 11/12/2021 | 2518 | Slovenia |
Andrew J Muir Repertoire with White pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
E42 | Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 c5, 5.Ne2 (Rubinstein) | 21 games |
E81 | King's Indian, Saemisch, 5...O-O | 19 games |
E43 | Nimzo-Indian, Fischer variation | 16 games |
E84 | King's Indian, Saemisch, Panno main line | 12 games |
Andrew J Muir Repertoire with Black pieces (most played)
ECO | Opening | Games |
B31 | Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6) | 26 games |
B22 | Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) | 19 games |
B65 | Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, Rauzer attack, 7...Be7 defence, 9...Nxd4 | 19 games |
E05 | Catalan, open, classical line | 18 games |