Chess Opening Explorer

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The Opening Explorer is a great tool if you want to study chess openings.

B12 Caro-Kann defence


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Stored Analysis: +0.98 Depth 27
Opening Explorer Database:    
Moves List:
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d6  
Next Move # of Games Last Played Winnings percentage
White / Draw / Black
Engine Eval.
3. Nc3  724 2024
48.8 % 23.1 % 28.2 %
+0.63 Dpt 40
3. Nf3  307 2024
36.8 % 28.3 % 34.9 %
+1.00 Dpt 22
3. f4  173 2023
59.5 % 16.2 % 24.3 %
+0.27 Dpt 29
3. c4  166 2024
52.4 % 19.9 % 27.7 %
+0.61 Dpt 20
3. Bd3  50 2023
46 % 48 %
3. Be3  23 2022
52.2 % 26.1 % 21.7 %
3. c3  23 2018
34.8 % 47.8 % 17.4 %
+0.70 Dpt 34
3. a4  18 2022
72.2 % 22.2 %
3. g3  15 2010
40 % 46.7 %
3. h3  12 2006
33.3 % 25 % 41.7 %
3. Bc4  11 2018
63.6 % 18.2 % 18.2 %
3. Be2  5 2004
40 % 60 %
3. Nd2  2 2004
50 % 50 %
3. Bf4  2 2006
50 % 50 %
3. d5  2 2005
50 % 50 %
3. Bg5  1-0, Ahlberg (2149) vs. Ollek (1622)
3. Ne2  1-0, Novikov (2524) vs. Zhavoronkov (2292)
3. b3  0-1, Nees vs. Roog
3. h4  ½-½, Golf (2161) vs. Werk
3. Bd2  0-1, Simon vs. Saavedra
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As Black  
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